Knickerbacker Middle School Drama Club presents A Charlie Brown Christmas on Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7, 2024! We hope to see our school community come out in support of our talented student performers and crew members listed below at one of the following performances:
- Friday, December 6 at 6:00 PM
- Saturday, December 7 at 1:00 PM
Performances will be in the Knickerbacker Middle School Auditorium and tickets will be available at the door for $5.
A Charlie Brown Christmas Cast and Crew
- Charlie Brown: Addison Brandenburg, Andrew Moe
- Lucy: Myrah Ochis-Lutringer, Sage Sumner
- Linus: Richelle Ponzo
- Snoopy: Isaac Herman
- Woodstock: Gwen Christian
- Schroeder: Zachary Robinson
- Pig Pen: Alex Coalts
- Sally: Janiya Mackie
- Violet: Anna Smith
- Patty: Savannah Cook
- Shermy: Jenna Plummer
- Frieda: Josie O'Connell
- Ensemble: Maeve Crumb, Alanna Burt, Delimar Borerro, Paige Mckinney, Averie White, Alex Havens, Jackson Havens, Jaylee Ellis, Lily Keefe, Isabella Williams
- Stage Crew: Haneen Abrahim, Samara Thompson, Kelly Ritchie, Rose Bergendahl, Declan Lowell
- Student Directors: Elizabeth Brown, Ella Ponzo
- Student Music Directors: Kiera Cronk, Derick Defreest
- Student Technical Directors: Connor Turley, Anthony Vroman, Chris Zakrzewski
- Student Artistic Directors: Alys Lowell, Amelia Cordero, Mollie Fryer